On July 14th I was in a traffic collision that has rendered me incapable of continuing my labour work. My income has pretty much come to a halt completely and it is time for a change.
The RPG is still in the works, being a one man project is making it take a little more time that I want it to, but I assure you all it is still a viable thing that will exist at some point in one form or another.
For now, I'm working on my writing. I've started freelancing, writing for call outs, and on the side making a novel of my own. I plan on using kickstarter to get this going, and doing as much work as I can to keep myself alive, but beyond that, I'm focusing on my writing. Hopefully with a little luck, a few friends, and some nice people in the community can help me turn this into a carreer.
I've been keeping a decent 2000 word a day writing count. This is a good start I think. My focus has been on erotic fiction... Hence; Let the sexy begin!