Thursday, December 23, 2010

Well, here it is. My computer is back up and running. I no longer have to live my life off of my laptop and this is a good thing!
I’ve been working on web-design lately and am trying to build professional websites now. Hopefully by the time I know what I’m doing there’s still a market for that sort of thing.
I still don’t have a job or any kind of income and am growing further and further in debt as time goes on. Hell, I can’t even get a job at McDonalds… I have no idea what’s so bad about my resume that I can’t land a job. I even got it professionally looked at and modified and still got nothing.
I’ve been working on creating a new and exciting Role Playing system when my brain is on fire from learning web coding. It’s coming along fantastically! I have a character generation system, an advancement system, a weapon and armor system, but no money system or combat system yet. Nor do I have a good way to assess challenges and award XPs.
I’m hoping to be able to launch my RPG with my first website available for free, and then hold monthly ransoms for adventures geared toward it. My fingers are crossed that this takes off and makes me a little bit of money… hopefully enough to sustain myself and the website. I’m hoping the launch date will be early in the New Year, if I can get it up by Jan 1, all the better (but I doubt that will happen).
If none of this works though, I might have to hunt down a red paperclip and pray that people will trade me a house for it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

I realize I haven’t written here for a long time, but I can explain. I’ve been struggling... alot. I haven’t been employed all year thus far, I haven’t been able to get on social assistance either. Hell, I even went out begging for change for 8 hours one day, and came home empty handed, hungry, and cold.

Which brings me to my next point: Having no money means I can’t pay rent, bills or buy food. I have a meagre amount of soups and rice I bought with the slim remainder of my credit card (which is now maxed out) and currently have no way of paying off my debt whatsoever.

Asking welfare for assistance was the last thing I ever wanted to do in my life. I remember being a “welfare kid” when I was young and how hard life was for everyone. I was also on welfare when I first moved to Ontario. I remember being able to pay rent with enough money left over for 1 box of rice, 2 packages of hot-dogs, 2 loafs of bread, 1 small bottle of ketchup, 1 bottle of soy sauce, and 1 bottle of tobacco sauce. That was it. I did live off of that for 6 months while going back to school to gain my grade 12, and let me tell you it was pure hell.

UPDATE: It turns out that I don’t qualify for welfare, so I’m stuck with no money, no job, no food, and a general in-ability to get around the city.

Anyway, that’s the general reason why I haven’t updated my blog as of late. I will try to keep it going, even if I’m not adding to it from a nice comfy warm home.