Friday, January 7, 2011

So, I’ve officially started two projects. I’m working on designing my own RPG from the ground up. Its slowly building up into Alpha stage and will soon be play tested for the first time by a select group of close friends and players. My guess is that the first write up will be done by the end of January.

Also I have taken on the project of creating a E6 based RPG rulebook (which will be accompanied by its own website... or a page on my future website). That shouldn’t take too much time either, because it essentially is just a bunch of editing and layout.

My web design learning have come along quickly, I still haven’t quite memorized each and every code, but I know exactly what to reference and look up when I want to do something specific, and can re-write it to do what I need it to. My website will be coming up in the very near future, pending money issues.
My plans include maybe writing a couple free websites for people so I can increase my portfolio, and eventually get paid for doing this sort of thing professionally.

That’s my update for this week, thanks for reading it.

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